Saturday, June 13, 2009

Gathering at Aunty Ivy's Place

Yestersday, mummy rented an exersaucer from aunty Jennifer. They came to our place to install the exersaucer. As usual it is something new to me so I'm okay when mummy first put me into the exersaucer.

When mummy tried to put me in the exersaucer the second time, I can't control but cry non-stop. Grandma carry me out but mummy put me in again. This time, I cry even harder and louder with tears rolling down my cheeks. Mummy tried to calm me down by coaxing me. But I just don't like it. I want to get out of the exersaucer, Mummy, pls?

Everyone was upset by my cries and keep blaming Mummy for causing it. Daddy had no choice but to call Aunty Jennifer requesting for a refund. Initally, Aunty Jennifer tried to persuade Daddy to let me try a few more times. If I really hates it than we can do a refund the next day.

Daddy agreed to let me try the next day morning. But who knows, after an hour, grandma put me in again. Daddy tried to play with me and entertained me with toys. But after a few seconds, I started crying again. Daddy, Mummy and Grandma, will you guys please don't put me in the exersaucer again. I don't like it there!!! I want freedom!!!

That night, I had nightmares. I keep waking up every hour too seek comfort. With that, Daddy and Mummy decided to return the exersaucer the next day.

Aunty Jennifer's place was so far from ours and Aunty Ivy's place. Imagine Daddy carrying that bulky exersaucer while Mummy take care of me. Tough on Mummy as she hasn't been feeling well lately.

The weather hasn't been kind to us. It was raining quite heavily and Mummy had to carry me in her arms. It took us 1.5 hrs to reach Aunty Jennifer's place at West Coast Drive. By then. it's around 2+pm. If Daddy and Mummy were to travel to Aunty Ivy's place at Pasir Ris Drive, it will take another 1-2 hrs time. It will definately be a hectic day for everyone especially Mummy. So after much consideration, Mummy decided to give Aunty Ivy's place a miss.

So sorry mummy, I made you miss the gathering at Aunty Ivy's place. But Mummy I really don't like the idea of being put in the exersaucer. I don't like to be restricted!!!

Hopefully there will be another gathering soon...

Monday, June 8, 2009

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Updates of Baby J

Baby J has been very cranky these few days... All thanks to his 2 little teeth trying to emerge from his gum. His appetite has been affected too.

Sitting, standing and lying down with toys beside him can only keep him entertained for a short while. Now he enjoys jumping and of cos looking at his surrounding. Helping him to stand on his feet proves to be tedious. But Mummy was surprised at Baby J's progress. He can stand still for more than 10 seconds at this age now. His kicks are very powerful and strong, thus painful to those kanna kicked by him. Thou he has not show any sign of wanting to crawl yet.

His curiousity is increasing day by day. Trying to grab or reach for anything within his sights especially Mummy's 1L water bottle. Poor tigger has also become his "munching" favourite passtime. Perhaps due to tigger's skinny size, it is easy to put into his mouth.

Frequent night wakes to seek comfort has become a routine which is tiring for both Daddy and Mummy.

Will the 2 little teeth appear soon, pls? This is to allow the return of baby J's appetite and the reduce of frequent night wakes for comfort.

Thursday, May 28, 2009


今早真是糊涂啊! 明明想搭往港湾码头方向的列车, 结果却上了膀鹅方向的列车. 眼看面前的列车空空的而对面的列车却是满满的, 我却没发觉不对.

"Next Station Punggol Interchange. Passenger may alight and transfer to the LRT" 这时的我才发现搭错方向了! 幸好出门的早还有时间.

不到一会儿的时间就睡着了. 一睁开眼却发现自己到了克拉玛头地铁站. 天啊! 我到地怎么了? 怎么老是心不在烟呢? 难道心里在牵挂宝宝?

Thursday, May 21, 2009

相见容易同住难 II 之火山爆发

人与人之间不是应该彼此互相尊重吗? 如果少了尊重, 那该怎么办呢? 长期的容忍, 默默承受委屈而有苦难言, 有该如何是好呢?

今天, 朋友来电向我诉苦.

朋友透露她由始至终都对他以礼相待, 尊重他, 从不与他起真挚, 处处容忍他的无理趣闹. 可是, 今天她终于忍无可忍了, 火山爆发了!

门的用处到地是什么? 不就是让人们可以有营私吗? 如果你尊重他人的营私, 你会不敲门就进去吗? 有一次, 朋友把门关上, 在"Express BM"时, 他不知为何开门进入朋友的房间. 这举动令朋友感到十分难过还当场痛哭! 这么丢脸的事, 朋友能对谁诉苦呢? 内心的伤害要如何恢复呢? 事后还必须装做若无起事的踏出房门. 有谁能理解啊?

每次吃自主餐的他都会"打包"许多食物回来. 目的是为了要把食物当成朋友接下来几天的早餐和午餐. 有时吃到朋友肚子痛甚至还"ls" 朋友跟长辈说了, 可是她却说, 可能是你肚子不好吧! 听了这翻话, 朋友的心变冷了! 觉得以后没必要在多说了...

疼爱宝宝难道只有一种方式(用脸去碰脸)吗? 可能是朋友觉得宝宝还小个人卫生应该注意一下. 她好声好气的对他说"不要用一直用你的脸去碰宝宝的脸, 以免宝宝的脸生东西." 结果, 他却对宝宝说"听到没有, 不可以碰脸啊!报会生东西啊! 我从没听过碰脸会生东西." 朋友在次强调"没听过不带表没发生过啊!" 于是朋友连早餐也不弄就抱宝宝回房抹脸和手. 他立刻关掉风扇走到房间对朋友的丈夫重复话还说朋友不要那么敏感! 没事的! 朋友听了便答复"你是不是要等到事情发生了才开心?"

朋友心中有许多话想说但都保留, 为了是给他面子. 比如"你经常挖鼻子不洗手就碰宝宝的脸和手, 这是你疼宝宝的方式吗? 上完厕所,吃完东西不洗手, 就碰宝宝也是你疼宝宝的方式吗?"

他接着还说"你不要以为生了个儿子就觉得了不起啊!" 这句话令朋友火大了"我就是觉得了不起, 怎么样?" 过后, 朋友对丈夫说" 他一定会去更女儿投诉的." 他听了"好啊! 我一定会!我为什么不可以?" 朋友接着"那是你的专长啊! 到处去说是非, 去投诉啦!去跟每个人说啦!" 丈夫眼看事情不妙便把房门关上, 希望彼此冷静下来.

晚餐后, 他又发起脾气, 在宝宝的面前大力的甩房门. 这次, 朋友选择不理. 过后, 朋友得知他在朋友和丈夫出门后向人告状!

家婆根本不知朋友所忍过的一切, 受过的委屈就要朋友忍让他. 不管朋友这么说家婆都不听, 就只说"大家住在一起, 你知道他的为人, 他的个性, 不要跟他计较, 凡事都要让他." 这是什么歪理? 就因为他是长辈, 朋友就该默默的忍吗? 那朋友不是太委屈了吗?

是不是不管长辈做错什么事或着无理趣闹, 身为晚辈的我们就必须让步, 纵容他们, 甚至让他们变本加厉呢? 这到底是对他们好还是害他们呢?

不能接受! 也接受不了! 是不是每位女生一旦做了人家的媳妇就必须默默的承受委屈? 天理何在啊? 容忍不是应该有个限度吗? 容忍和纵容只是一线之差不是吗? 过度容忍不就变成纵容吗?

Sunday, May 17, 2009


在过三天就是公公的生日了. 妈妈和舅舅约好今天在"大上海"酒楼为公公庆祝生日. 今年是公公第一次与孙女和孙子一起庆祝生日. 虽然, 我和表姐还不会说话, 但我们的陪伴公公已经了的眉开眼笑.
妈妈跟往常一样, 一见到食物就拍. 绝不放过任何机会. 哈哈! 她就是我妈妈... 看来这次的食物似乎不这么样. 真是令人大跌眼睛啊!

Cold Dish Combination

Abalone Soup


Sweet N Sour Cod Fish

Steam Cod Fish

Salted Egg Yolk Prawn

Lion Meat Ball w Bun

Complimentary Mixed Veg Fried Rice

Shrimp Dumpling

Mango Pamelo Dessert

至于我跟表姐, 真是没缘啊! 当我睡醒时, 她却睡着了... 我只好跟大人们玩.

公公的白头发越来越多, 人看起来也老了许多. 岁月真是不留人啊!

Saturday, May 16, 2009

A Mother's Day Celebration organised by 5 RCs

Daddy and Mummy brought me to the Mother's Day celebration organised by 5 RCs. It's a humid afternoon for high tea within the neighbourhood estate. Before we step into the compound, we hear someone singing Stephanie Sun's song. The voice was so alike that we thought Stephanie Sun was the invited singer! Soon we realised that it was one of the campus superstar 2008 semi-finalist contestant. Chey...

After dropping our lucky draw coupon, we headed for a table. The music was so loud and the performance was boring. Perhaps it's not suitable for babies of my age. The belly dancers seems to be amateur as their dancing "thumbs down"!

Seeing me so restless and bored, Daddy and Mummy brought me for a walk. The celebration kicked off when the MP arrived. $15 for a high tea doesnt seem to be value for $. The food wasn't nice except for the Eclair and Chicken Wings. Whenever there is such events, it will definately reflect the ugly side of human beings. Rushing for food and packing food for take away.

Mummy was so heart pain when I knock my forehead on the table. I was crying so hard but I believe Mummy's heart was crying worst than me... Next time I shall stay away from tables...

Mummy was called up to stage for game, (hehe) to dance Cha Cha. Aiyo, mummy doesn't even know how so she tried to smoke thru by shaking here and there.

Daddy was the first lucky draw winner of the day. The present was a Queen size bedsheet from Sintex...

Friday, May 15, 2009


人生最大的遗憾就是没好好珍惜身边最爱的人和把握跟他们在一起的每一分一秒. 在失去了之后才来后悔! 你也曾后悔过吗?

过去这四年对我来说一点也不好走. 失去了我最亲爱的妈妈, 最大的依靠, 我的世界就象是没了希望和生存的必要. 人生没了目标, 没了希望, 选择逃避, 结果放弃自己. 心里总抱着遗憾, 如果早点出门就见的到妈妈最后一面, 陪她走完人生最后的路程.

幸好有一群朋友/同学, 家人, 同事的陪伴, 鼓励和关怀让我觉得不孤单. 谢谢你们! 在此, 我想要特别感谢三位同学.

第一位: 当事他也遇到打击, 可是还抽空打电话给我及陪我去散心. 他对我说:"我失去了姐姐, 我能体会你现在的心情. 我希望你能走出黑暗, 开心的过日子."

第二位: 她对我来说是一位付出却从不要求回报的朋友及姐姐. 用尽心思来保护眼前外表看起来坚强内心却容易受伤的小妹.

最后, 我要感谢一直陪在我身边, 默默守护着我的他. 要不是有他在身旁鼓励, 支持, 照顾及爱护我. 我想我需要更长的时间走出黑暗. 不常深夜出门的他, 偶而会因为我在深夜哭泣或生病而赶来安慰我或照顾我. 因此让他家人误会了我, 以为我把他带坏. 我想出国散心, 他二话不说就同意了. 有他的陪伴日子过的真开心! 有人说, 我是世界上最幸福的女人啊!

在妈妈离开的两年后, 哥哥和我都成家了! 遗憾的是, 妈妈无法见证我们的婚礼. 妈妈的离去让我看见了哥哥的成长. 他开始顾家和关心家人了. 相信妈妈看了会感到安慰. 在接下来的一年内, 家里也添了两位新成员. 他们是YX和J宝宝. 乐的爸爸眉开眼笑. :)

回想起当我们发现我怀孕的时候, 喜讯并非喜讯. 因为我肚子无时无刻的疼痛. 家庭医生怀疑我可能是"Etopic pregnancy”, 便立即把我转移到KK医院的急诊室. 宝宝那时才五个星期大呀! 我们的心沉入了深深湖底. 医生抽了我许多血去化验. 等待报告出来的过程真难熬. 脑子里总是胡思乱想. 幸好, 一切平安.

新婚夫妇都会有度密月的念头, 我们当然也不例外. 安排好行程的一个星期后, 才得知怀孕的事令我感到不知所措, 不只是否该继续吗? 亲戚们用尽心思劝我取消行程, 毕竟这阶段还属于非常时期, 可是固执的我坚持要去. 我知道如果这次不去, 一但宝宝出使了就很难有机会了!

两个月的MS令我在不知不觉中瘦了三公斤, 甚至还在医院吊点滴. 经常胃痛, 呕吐, 没胃口, 觉得疲累是我这生中最难望的经理啊! 时间似乎停了下来, 令我感到沮丧. 时常还会为小事而掉泪, 曾怀疑是否换上产前忧郁症.

幸好有丈夫和家人的支持, 一切平安度过. 忍受了二十个小时的产痛, 宝宝终于出世了! ;P 那时的他才三十七周大. 转眼间, 他就快满七个月了...

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

What is happening to the job market?

Is the current job market in bad shape? Or are employers trying to "short change" employees of their salary? If you meet your desired job, are you willing to suffer a hugh pay cut? what is the range that one can accept? 3 or 4 digit cut?

Lately, a trend has been observed. For the position of AM/M and above, it seems like the salary range is much lower or equivalent to that of a fresh grad despite having serveral years of relevant working experiences. Why is that so? Is it due to demand more than supply? Or is this the upcoming trend?

Would one really consider the nature of the job, organisation when applying or accepting a job? Or just apply or accept without much consideration especially during such a ecomony downtime? Having a job with huge pay cut is better than none. Even if the job is a contract sitting on a contract position, isnt it?


最近跟朋友聊天谈起各自的婚后生活, 才发现这句俗语"相见容易同住难"说的一点也没错. 以下是朋友婚后与公婆住在一起的故事.

在她还是单身的时候, 朋友总是对她说与公婆住在一起会发生什么样难以想象的情况. 可是她总是笑着说"应该不会发生在我身上. 只要大家互相尊重, 包容, 体谅就应该没问题了! 况且见面的时间少, 情况应该没那么糟啦!" 可是事情往往没有想象中那样简单.

婚后朋友很快的就发现了新家庭成员的生活习惯和性格. 这对朋友来说不知是喜还是忧? 但是朋友尽量不去理会新家庭的任何纠纷. 这样一来, 摩擦就能简到最底...

朋友也透露, 她尽量不用厨房的厕所除非避不的以. 因为很臭很脏! 他每次上完厕所都不冲水. 有时还把不知从那来的肮脏水倒进去. 臭的令人受不了!

为了省水, 他试用了许多不可思议的方法如以下:

经常用了餐具不洗! 有时, 顺口把用过的筷子放如口中'清洗'便收了起来. 这家庭含有五位成员, 可是水量却开的超小. 朋友经常都会在冲凉时被困! 朋友从不喝咖啡, 也不喜欢咖啡的味道. 可是他为了省煤气便使用煮咖啡机来煮水. 水自然而然就会有咖啡的味道. 为了减少使用餐具, 他既然把餐具收起来. 成员多了, 水电费自然而然会起. 可是, 他就是不愿意接受这事实, 坚持以上自称的省水的方法!

说到食物方面, 他也不会放过任何能省的方法. 经常把食物 '藏' 起来留到几天后才拿出来给大家吃. 他不介意吃隔夜食物但并不表示其他人也一样! 吃隔夜食物对身体不好呀! 既然要把食物 '藏' 起来, 道不如不要煮或买. 朋友的父母从不会让她吃隔夜食物. 如果让她过世的妈妈知道了, 一定会很伤心啊! 幸好, 朋友的丈夫经常会帮她吃掉那些食物, 否则就买些食物回来. 孕妇哪可以吃隔夜食物, 对胎儿不好啊! 准备好的食物份量一定会被减少. 使的朋友午餐总是吃不饱. 最近, 不知怎么了, 朋友吃过早午餐后, 肚子就会不舒服.

因为胃酸过多, 容易饿. 朋友经常会买些食物如饼干等放在房间以方便晚上吃. 可是, 他总是喜欢趁朋友不在时, 偷吃房间的食物. 偷吃却不抹嘴, 居然面不改色还理直气壮大声的说"没有啊! 我没有吃你们的食物."

死爱面子不肯承认错误的他总是为了小事大发脾气. 以为嗓子大就能赢, 也因此把宝宝吵醒. 家臭不可外扬但他却相反,还经常扭曲事实. 明明是自己不对, 却说是家人的错. 听了真受不了! 当他没话说时, 就只会说"这是我家, 我爱怎么样就怎么样. 你不高兴就搬出去住啦!" 朋友叹气的对我说"如果有那么一天他对我说出这些话, 我会毫不犹豫的成全他. 他千万不要后悔!我说到做到!他以后也别想在见到孙子."

英文不好却爱用英文与宝宝交谈. 说来说去就那几句"What are you talking? What you want to complain to me? Why are you so miserable? Why not happy ah?" 天地下有那个宝宝不会吵? 他们在学习说话的过成, 大人门不是应该鼓励吗? 他总是不耐烦的对宝宝大声说"你吵什么?"听了真叫人心烦!

朋友每天都在盼望新屋建好. 真后悔当出为何要放弃之前订购的新屋啊! 有好几次, 朋友想带着宝宝到爸爸家住几天,可是都舍不得丈夫...

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Baby J's progress at 6mth

Finally it is the last 6-in-1 and oral 'rota virus' vaccines for Baby J. Mummy suggested another vaccine for Baby J, Pneumococcal. Daddy was concern if all 3 vaccines would be too strong for Baby J to endure the after effect (if any) - fever.

After some hesitation, the vaccines proceed. PD informed that there will be a 10 seconds bitting/burning sensation after Pneumococcal jab has been injected. But guess what? Baby J only wail for less than 3 seconds and swallow the full dose of rota virus. 3 cheers for Baby J for being so brave. *Muack Baby J*

Baby J's weight at 6mth is 6.35Kg and height 68cm. PD commented that he needs to gain weight - increase milk and ceral intake. Baby J, would you please increase your intake? Mummy is worried though you are healthy. Promise Mummy you will increase your appetite okay, darling?

That night, Baby J developed fever. Daddy and Mummy were worried and they let Baby J sleep with them through out the night. Dadddy took up the task of measuring Baby J's temperature while Mummy gave Baby J paracetamol every 6 hourly without fail. Mummy tries to comfort Baby J as and when required...

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Buy an icing gift for me

ICING gifts

Every gift carries more meaning when packaged beautifully. I love the gifts sold on They simply add so much joy to receiving gifts from anyone. =)

Monday, April 13, 2009

Various Sales

Fox & Pumpkin Patch

Warehouse Sale Up to 70% off

Terms & Conditions:
Goods sold are non-exchangeable and non-refundable. While stocks last. Payment by Cash and Nets only.

10/04/09 - 19/04/2009

Outlet Addresses:
Price Club
19A Tannery Road


John Little
Mega Expo Sale now on!


Times Bookshop
15 - 25% off new store at Tampines

The newest and largest Times bookstore branch opens today, atthe brand new Tampine 1. And it's not just bestsellers who will be under our roof, but also children's books, assessment books, Christian books, magazines, writing instruments, executive accessories, stationery, cards, gifts, toys, games, DVD/VCD movies and more. Come join our big house-warming party!

Times Privilege Card members' Morning Preview: April 10, 8.30am - 11.30am (at Tampines 1 Branch only)

- Enjoy 25% off regular priced books and stationery - 15% off assessment books - Free goodie bag for first 100 members with min purchase of $80

Post Preview: From April 10 12.00pm to May 10 (at Tampines 1 Branch only)

For members: 22% off regular priced books and stationery and 12% off assessment books

For non members: 15% off regular priced books and stationery and 8% off assessment books

Outlet Addresses:
Times Bookshop
Tampines 1, 10 Tampines Central 1 (next to Tampines MRT station)

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Happy Birthday to Daddy

From Baby J to Daddy: "Happy Birthday to you. Happy Birthday to you. Happy Birthday to Daddy. Happy Birthday to you!"

Mummy made a reservation at Orchard Hotel - The Orchard Cafe to celebrate Daddy's birthday. It is a international buffet dinner costing $52++ per pax. Yipee, Daddy and Mummy are so nice to me, they brought me along. ;p Even thou, i can't enjoy the buffet, I can still make their evening bright and happy :)

According to the weather forecast, it will be cloudy and raining thru out the whole island. Luckily, Daddy brought a supper big umbrella else we would definately get drenched.

We reached Orchard MRT at around 5pm. It was still drizzling. Worried that the rain might get heavy, we headed to Orchard Hotel without delay.

The buffet was valued for money. They have cold and cooked black pepper crab, cold and cook sambal prawn, salmon sashimi, assorted sushi, raw oyster, nonya curry, satay, drunken prawn, sea cucumber, prawn noodle, fish and chicken fillet, chocolate fondue and many more... Mummy took these pics half way thru their dinner. The salmon sashimi and raw oyster was fresh and delicious. Daddy simply can't resist the raw oyster and took a few serving of it. Mummy keep helping herself with the black pepper crab especially the claw. Since I'm sleeping in the sling, mummy can't use her hand in case I wake up. Thus, claw is the best choice for her. It's the first time mummy's is eating crab with fork and knife.

Dessert durian pengat was nice with thick flavour of durian but it was too sweet. Wonder if sugar has been added to enhance the sweetness of durian?

It was such a coincidence that Daddy met 2 of his new colleagues. They are also in for the buffet. But they left slightly earlier than us.

Guess what, I have been sleeping soundly thru out their dinner until feeding and poo poo time. I have been a '乖宝宝' haven't I, Daddy and Mummy?

Congrates to Mummy! She strike lottery. Thou only consolation prize, she is happy to strike on Daddy's birthday. This lottery ticket was purchased at the temple from an old lady. Mummy always rejected this old lady during every visit. But this time round, it seems to be her instinct telling her to buy and it strikes! :)

Tuesday, April 7, 2009


早期, 爸妈已经开始教宝宝英文字母"ABC", 而且还在宝宝的床前贴了含有"ABC"的字母. 可是最近, 妈妈开始每天教宝宝说"妈妈, 爸爸", 还让宝宝从电脑上看"闪卡". 结果, 黄天不符有心人啊! 妈妈的努力总算没白费而且有了很不错的收获.

宝宝会说"妈妈" 了! 一听到这两个字, 妈妈就乐的笑嘻嘻! 爸爸还把宝宝的话录了下来当做手机铃声. 爸爸觉得安慰, 宝宝才五个多月就已经踏出他人生的第一步: 学讲话! 心里好期盼宝宝的下一句话是"爸爸".

耐心的等待啊爸爸, 宝宝一定会给你一个意外的惊喜! :)

Friday, April 3, 2009

Dinner With Friend

My friend and I went to AMK Ave 3 Blk 323 for dinner. They are famous for their Claypot Crab Bee Hoon. Initially she called to make reservation but was rejected. Reason being "Fully booked. Since there is only 2 of you, maybe you can try your luck by coming early."

Unfortunately, we did not do our homework in finding how to get to the place. In the end, we alight at the wrong bus stop and had to walk 10-15 min before we reached our destination.

Guess what? Lady luck was with us as we manage to get a table. Even thou their signature dish is Claypot Crab Bee Hoon, we ordered Chilli Crab, Shrimp Paste Chicken and Veggie.

Chilli crab was the first dish to arrive, followed by veggie and Shrimp Paste Chicken. By the time, we were done with our dinner, the crab turned cold :( They were unable to heat up for us as it would make the meat hard. What to do? Lesson of the day: In future, remember to request the crab to be serve later so that you can enjoy piping hot chilli crab.

I received an early birthday present - SingPost's Limited Edition of Hello Kitty 4GB Thumbdrive & Collectable Horoscope Stamp Set.

The size of the thumbdrive is extremely small with a length of 2cm and width of 1cm (approx.). There is a diamond on it too! It looked sparkling bright and it stands beautifully on Hello Kitty's ribbon =D

The biggest horoscope appearing on the Stamp Book cover is Virgo. And it seems like this collectable set was specially designed for me! It is a very well-printed horoscope stamp book. So lovely! When I flipped to the middle of book, all the 12 horoscopes seem to come alive with a 3D effect.

I nearly lose my sleep over it. Just can't help looking at them over and over again. Thank you my dear friend... It is, and will be, my most treasured and cherished gift :)

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Milestones of Baby J at 5th month

Baby J is able to accomplish the following:
  • able to reach accurately for an object (if he wants to and depending on his mood).
  • hold his head steady when sitting upright (Mummy has been training him everyday).
  • raise his chest with arm support while lying on his stomach (he hates this position and can’t lie on his stomach for long).
  • roll over in one direction (occasionally he can make it and also depending on his mood)
  • grasp a rattle (getting lesser each day - Good news for Mummy!)
  • pays attention to very small objects
  • squeals with delight
  • spontaneously smiles
  • mimics sounds and gestures (especially sound and gestures made by Mummy)
  • turns towards the source of a sound or voice
  • gets attention by babbling (his favourite past time)
  • makes different sounds for different needs (e.g. Hungry - Ah Meh or appu)

Things that Mummy hopes that he can accomplish soon:

  • sitting and sleeping in his "Mercz" stroller
  • increase his feeding quantity
  • sleep through out the night
  • able to fall back to sleep after waking up on his own
  • able to call "Daddy and Mummy" :)

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Am I teething?

It seems like Baby J might be teething base on the below information abstracted from

Signs your baby is teething :

• They have become more fussy and clingy and are crying more at night (80% True)
• They are dribbling a lot (100% True)
• They have an urge to bite to try to ease the pain, so they’ve started chewing on their fingers and anything else they can get hold of! (100% True)
• Their cheeks are flushed (Depends)
• Their temperature is slightly raised (but not above 39oC, which indicates a fever) (True)
• Their gums are swollen and red (Mummy can't differentiate)
• They are demanding milk feeding more (50% True)
• Or they may reject milk feeding because their gums hurt (80% True)
• Their appetite is poor (Depends)
• They aren’t sleeping well (True occassionally sleep for 1hr or less only)

How to help your teething baby?

• Give them plenty of water to replace fluids lost through dribble.
• Gently rub a teething gel or teething granules into their gums.
• Give them a teething ring to chew on (the ones you can cool in the fridge are good).
• Your doctor may recommend infant pain relievers like paracetamol or ibuprofen.
• Apply a barrier cream to their chin, neck and chest to stop them getting sore from dribbling.
• Distract them with lots of hugs or something to play with (Daddy and Mummy are trying their best to distract me! Haha)

Saturday, March 28, 2009

A visit to Nippon!

So there I was at an unwise travel destination during this economic downturn. :)
Ended up tired most of the time but really had loads of fun in that cool weather!!

My first trip to Nippon!

An overseas trip is always how u manage to find out more about your travelling partner (Nothing bad, just different living habits). The path to walk ahead is always tough. Like below!

This path was made out of bamboo-like material which is soft if u decide to fall gently down onto it. Walking on it wasn't as comfy though...

The prettiest thing on my trip was the beautiful hanami I got to see.

Pretty right?

And lastly, to end off my post, how can i miss the kawaii character my dear friend loves :)

Hello Kitty :D

Friday, March 27, 2009

Monday, March 23, 2009

Saturday, March 21, 2009

First Rainbow of My Life

Daddy and Mummy brought me to Real Love Works @ Marina Barrage. After registration was done, they went in to snap photos for memories. They even write love notes for each other. So mushy...

I was not happy when Mummy put me in the pram. I know that she is tired. But I just feel warm and safe in her arms. I don't like to sit in the pram at all! I just want Mummy to be in her arms. I was angry with Mummy and refused to look and smile at the camera. I thought that Mummy will give in and carry me. But I was wrong. :(

After Mummy collected goodies bag, she head straight to popcorn queue. Bingo! It was Daddy's favourite. Daddy came to join Mummy in the queue after collecting candy floss for Mummy. The weather hasn't been nice to us. It starts to drizzer before they got the popcorn. Daddy was worried about me so he keep asking Mummy to stay in the shelter and ensure that the rain didn't hit me.

Just as we are about to leave the venue, hundreds or thousands of balloons flying their way up into the sky. It's such a rare and romantic scene.

On the way to Marina Bay MRT station, Mummy shouted "There's a rainbow!" Mummy waste no time in asking Daddy to capture this beautiful rainbow. Of cos I'm in the picture too ;p >

Photos taken using Mummy's hp, so don't expect too much from it ;p

Friday, March 20, 2009

Study shows green tea, mushrooms cut breast cancer riskPosted: 18 March 2009 1615 hrs

SYDNEY: Chinese women who ate mushrooms and drank green tea significantly cut their risk of breast cancer and the severity of the cancer in those who did develop it, an Australian researcher said Wednesday. Min Zhang, from the University of Western Australia, studied the diets of 2,018 women from the southeastern Chinese city of Hangzhou -- half of whom had breast cancer -- between July 2004 and September 2005. While breast cancer was the most common type of cancer for women worldwide, Min said the rate in China was four to five times lower than that typically found in developed countries. "We concluded that higher dietary intake of mushrooms decreased breast cancer risk in pre- and post-menopausal Chinese women, and an additional decreased risk of breast cancer from the joint effect of mushrooms and green tea was observed," Min told AFP. "The risk of breast cancer significantly declined with the highest intake of dietary mushrooms," she said, adding that fresh and dried mushrooms were equally effective. Eating as little as 10 grams, or less than one button mushroom daily, would have a beneficial effect, Min found, with the women who consumed the most fresh mushrooms around two-thirds less likely to develop breast cancer compared with those who did not eat mushrooms. In addition to lowering the cancer risk, green tea and mushrooms also cut the malignancy of any cancer which did form, Min found. The fact that the combination of green tea and mushrooms was more effective than just mushrooms alone could partially explain the lower incidence of breast cancer amongst Chinese women, she said. "To our knowledge, this is the first human study to evaluate the joint effect of mushrooms and green tea on breast cancer," she said. "Our findings, if confirmed consistently in other research, have potential implications for protection against breast cancer development using an inexpensive dietary intervention." The study was published in the most recent issue of the International Journal of Cancer, and is one in a series of Asian studies by Min and her team on the anti-carcinogenic effects of phytochemicals. - AFP/ir

Note: This article is abstracted from ChannelNewsAsia

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Today mark the 5th mth of Baby J's arrival in the family

Yipee, I'm is 5mth old liao. For the past 5 mths, it has been hard and tiring for Daddy and Mummy. But both of them shower me with tender, love and care unconditionally regardless if I have been naughty or good. They have to wake up every 3 hours at night just to feed me or change my diaper even until now. Hmm... Seems like I'm still not ready to sleep thru the night or cut my feeding.

At times when I have bad dream and cried in the middle of the night, they will cuddle, sayang and hug me tight. It feels warm and safe to be in their arms. When I can't fall back to sleep, they will rock, sing and pat me to sleep. Mummy's health are in a mess as she insist to breastfeed me for as long as her body can take it. Mummy is a light sleeper and sometimes she has difficulties falling back to sleep. Thus it lead to her immune system turning weak. Imagine she starts her day at 5am everyday... Daddy has been very supporting and is constantly giving Mummy moral support and praising her for her perseverance. Good job Daddy!

I miss Daddy and Mummy when they left for work every morning especially today. I'm 5 month old. I thought they will sty at home and be with me :( But I was wrong!!! Haiz... Never mind they are earning for my expenses ;p Evening is what I look forward to as they will be back from work. Which also explains why my appetite is extreme good at night. :)

Mummy used to worried about the drop in my appetite during day time when she started working temp. Though my weight gain is slow, it is increasing. So Mummy don't worry, I'm gaining weight and most importantly I'm healthy!

Thank you for bringing me into this wonderful world of rainbows, my dearest Daddy and Mummy. I love you!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Limited edition - Hello Kitty 4GB Thumbdrive

Hurray! SingPost is releasing a limited edition Hello Kitty 4GB thumbdrive (1k pieces only) and 12 horoscope stamps. The thumbdrive cost $45 while each horoscope stamp cost $5 (4 pieces of $1.10 stamp). A special bundle cost $98 per set as shown in the picture above.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Taking turn to fall sick

1 day after Baby J fall sick, it's the Daddy's turn to fall sick. Virus has been spreading the family. The Daddy finally agrees to consult DR on Friday night after much persuasion by the Mummy.

The clinic that they wanted to visit was closed so they had no choice to visit the other clinic (the Vampire clinic). The clinic sucks blood like nobody business. Worst of all, it was a locum who was on duty that night. He was really doing his job as a DR by asking a few questions, listening to the heartbeat, checking the throat and starting to prescribe medicines.

5 types of medicines (Cough syrup, Flu tablet, Phlegm tablet, Throat Infection and Lozenges) were dispensed and the bill came out to be $40+. After much discussion, they decided to take only 2 medicines and the bill was $27. If the same medicine were to be taken from another clinic, the bill would definitely be much lower (from past experience).

4 days later, the Mummy started to have running nose in the early morning and after eating KFC, her throat starts to sore. Seems like the flu virus is not letting anyone off in the family. They are taken turns to fall sick one by one... Perhaps due to the weather changed or perhaps due to the lack of rest or perhaps...

Flash your Age Promo at Shangri-la

The first time being feel good about getting older hehehe.

" At Shangri-La Hotel, Singapore, we are committed to being the market leader for lifestyle concepts and innovations. Following the success of recent promotions, such as Lunch by the Minute and The Line's 4th Birthday celebrations, our F&B team will be introducing a bold, ground-breaking campaign call FLASH YOUR AGE!With effect from next Tuesday 17 March 2009, guests who celebrate their birthdays at Shangri-La Hotel, Singapore, will enjoy a dining discount that is equivalent to their current age at all five restaurants - BLU, The Line, Nadaman, Shang Palace and Rose Veranda. Please refer to attached mailer for more details on the terms and conditions. For restaurant reservations, you can call Dining Reservations at 6213 4398. "

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Lunchtime Madness at

Economy doing bad so the best thing to do is to travel on low cost. Stay tuned to Lunchtime Madness at =)

Fares as low as $35 nett per way (Taxes and surcharges already included!)
18th March 2009 from 11am - 2pm

Adidas Sales

Burberry Sale on 11- 14 March 2009

Burberry Sale of Apparel, Children's Wear and Accessories.

Location : Suntec Convention Rm 303-305 (Level 3)

Organizer : Burberry (Singapore) Distribution Co Pte Ltd

Time : 10.00am - 09.00pm

The Body Shop Sale Event on 11-14 March 2009

Savings of up to 70%

Location : Suntec Convention Gallery West (Level 3)

Organizer : The Body Shop Singapore Pte Ltd

Time : 11.00am - 08.00pm

Crazy Warehouse Sales on 12 - 15 March 2009

This 4-day Crazy Warehouse Sales is back!!! This time with more savings & special buys!!! Do not miss out brands like Renoma, Goldlion, Charles Jourdan, B.U.M., Freestyle, Label, The Cocoa Trees, etc., etc.
Ladies' Wear, Men's Wear & Men's Undergarments, Kidswear, Accessories, Imported Chocolates & more, more, more...
Prices start from as low as $3!!!!!!!!!!!!

Location : Suntec Convention Rm 202 (Level 2)


Time : 10.00am - 10.00pm

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Baby J falls sick for the first time

Baby J was not in his usual self when the Parents reached home. No laughter or noise from him. He appears too calm and feels warm when the Mummy carry him. It did not occur to the Mummy that he could be sick. The warm in him did not subside even after dinner. A thought came to the Mummy’s mind, “he could be running a fever”. The Mummy started to worry and ask the Daddy if they should bring him to the DR.

Within seconds, they were on our way to the mall’s clinic. PD is closed on every tue night, so they went to GP instead. The Daddy asked if they could skip the queue but the clinic assistant reject flatly as there is only 1 patiently ahead of them.

The ‘nurse’ came to take baby J’s temperature. “38.6 degree”, she commented. At this moment, the Mummy is just like an ant in the boiling pot.

Finally it’s baby J’s turn. Dr Lee spoke in a calm and composed manner. Perhaps trying to let the Parents (especially the Mummy) relax and calm down. The DR checked baby J’s temperature (38.1 degree), his throat (Clear), lung (Clear) and weight (~6Kg). “Don’t worry, baby J probably caught a cold from his grandma. His fever will be gone in about 3 days times. Since he is still young, no medicine will be given to him except nose drop to clear his mucus. In the meanwhile, monitor his temperature and if it does not subside within 3 days, bring him back.”

The Mummy fed baby J with medicine the moment they returned. Seeing baby J cried when taking medicine, the Mummy feel as though needles poking at her heart. Luckily the episode only last for a short while. Baby J returns to normal after that. The Mummy hugs him tightly and pats him to sleep.