Saturday, June 13, 2009

Gathering at Aunty Ivy's Place

Yestersday, mummy rented an exersaucer from aunty Jennifer. They came to our place to install the exersaucer. As usual it is something new to me so I'm okay when mummy first put me into the exersaucer.

When mummy tried to put me in the exersaucer the second time, I can't control but cry non-stop. Grandma carry me out but mummy put me in again. This time, I cry even harder and louder with tears rolling down my cheeks. Mummy tried to calm me down by coaxing me. But I just don't like it. I want to get out of the exersaucer, Mummy, pls?

Everyone was upset by my cries and keep blaming Mummy for causing it. Daddy had no choice but to call Aunty Jennifer requesting for a refund. Initally, Aunty Jennifer tried to persuade Daddy to let me try a few more times. If I really hates it than we can do a refund the next day.

Daddy agreed to let me try the next day morning. But who knows, after an hour, grandma put me in again. Daddy tried to play with me and entertained me with toys. But after a few seconds, I started crying again. Daddy, Mummy and Grandma, will you guys please don't put me in the exersaucer again. I don't like it there!!! I want freedom!!!

That night, I had nightmares. I keep waking up every hour too seek comfort. With that, Daddy and Mummy decided to return the exersaucer the next day.

Aunty Jennifer's place was so far from ours and Aunty Ivy's place. Imagine Daddy carrying that bulky exersaucer while Mummy take care of me. Tough on Mummy as she hasn't been feeling well lately.

The weather hasn't been kind to us. It was raining quite heavily and Mummy had to carry me in her arms. It took us 1.5 hrs to reach Aunty Jennifer's place at West Coast Drive. By then. it's around 2+pm. If Daddy and Mummy were to travel to Aunty Ivy's place at Pasir Ris Drive, it will take another 1-2 hrs time. It will definately be a hectic day for everyone especially Mummy. So after much consideration, Mummy decided to give Aunty Ivy's place a miss.

So sorry mummy, I made you miss the gathering at Aunty Ivy's place. But Mummy I really don't like the idea of being put in the exersaucer. I don't like to be restricted!!!

Hopefully there will be another gathering soon...

Monday, June 8, 2009

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Updates of Baby J

Baby J has been very cranky these few days... All thanks to his 2 little teeth trying to emerge from his gum. His appetite has been affected too.

Sitting, standing and lying down with toys beside him can only keep him entertained for a short while. Now he enjoys jumping and of cos looking at his surrounding. Helping him to stand on his feet proves to be tedious. But Mummy was surprised at Baby J's progress. He can stand still for more than 10 seconds at this age now. His kicks are very powerful and strong, thus painful to those kanna kicked by him. Thou he has not show any sign of wanting to crawl yet.

His curiousity is increasing day by day. Trying to grab or reach for anything within his sights especially Mummy's 1L water bottle. Poor tigger has also become his "munching" favourite passtime. Perhaps due to tigger's skinny size, it is easy to put into his mouth.

Frequent night wakes to seek comfort has become a routine which is tiring for both Daddy and Mummy.

Will the 2 little teeth appear soon, pls? This is to allow the return of baby J's appetite and the reduce of frequent night wakes for comfort.

Thursday, May 28, 2009


今早真是糊涂啊! 明明想搭往港湾码头方向的列车, 结果却上了膀鹅方向的列车. 眼看面前的列车空空的而对面的列车却是满满的, 我却没发觉不对.

"Next Station Punggol Interchange. Passenger may alight and transfer to the LRT" 这时的我才发现搭错方向了! 幸好出门的早还有时间.

不到一会儿的时间就睡着了. 一睁开眼却发现自己到了克拉玛头地铁站. 天啊! 我到地怎么了? 怎么老是心不在烟呢? 难道心里在牵挂宝宝?

Thursday, May 21, 2009

相见容易同住难 II 之火山爆发

人与人之间不是应该彼此互相尊重吗? 如果少了尊重, 那该怎么办呢? 长期的容忍, 默默承受委屈而有苦难言, 有该如何是好呢?

今天, 朋友来电向我诉苦.

朋友透露她由始至终都对他以礼相待, 尊重他, 从不与他起真挚, 处处容忍他的无理趣闹. 可是, 今天她终于忍无可忍了, 火山爆发了!

门的用处到地是什么? 不就是让人们可以有营私吗? 如果你尊重他人的营私, 你会不敲门就进去吗? 有一次, 朋友把门关上, 在"Express BM"时, 他不知为何开门进入朋友的房间. 这举动令朋友感到十分难过还当场痛哭! 这么丢脸的事, 朋友能对谁诉苦呢? 内心的伤害要如何恢复呢? 事后还必须装做若无起事的踏出房门. 有谁能理解啊?

每次吃自主餐的他都会"打包"许多食物回来. 目的是为了要把食物当成朋友接下来几天的早餐和午餐. 有时吃到朋友肚子痛甚至还"ls" 朋友跟长辈说了, 可是她却说, 可能是你肚子不好吧! 听了这翻话, 朋友的心变冷了! 觉得以后没必要在多说了...

疼爱宝宝难道只有一种方式(用脸去碰脸)吗? 可能是朋友觉得宝宝还小个人卫生应该注意一下. 她好声好气的对他说"不要用一直用你的脸去碰宝宝的脸, 以免宝宝的脸生东西." 结果, 他却对宝宝说"听到没有, 不可以碰脸啊!报会生东西啊! 我从没听过碰脸会生东西." 朋友在次强调"没听过不带表没发生过啊!" 于是朋友连早餐也不弄就抱宝宝回房抹脸和手. 他立刻关掉风扇走到房间对朋友的丈夫重复话还说朋友不要那么敏感! 没事的! 朋友听了便答复"你是不是要等到事情发生了才开心?"

朋友心中有许多话想说但都保留, 为了是给他面子. 比如"你经常挖鼻子不洗手就碰宝宝的脸和手, 这是你疼宝宝的方式吗? 上完厕所,吃完东西不洗手, 就碰宝宝也是你疼宝宝的方式吗?"

他接着还说"你不要以为生了个儿子就觉得了不起啊!" 这句话令朋友火大了"我就是觉得了不起, 怎么样?" 过后, 朋友对丈夫说" 他一定会去更女儿投诉的." 他听了"好啊! 我一定会!我为什么不可以?" 朋友接着"那是你的专长啊! 到处去说是非, 去投诉啦!去跟每个人说啦!" 丈夫眼看事情不妙便把房门关上, 希望彼此冷静下来.

晚餐后, 他又发起脾气, 在宝宝的面前大力的甩房门. 这次, 朋友选择不理. 过后, 朋友得知他在朋友和丈夫出门后向人告状!

家婆根本不知朋友所忍过的一切, 受过的委屈就要朋友忍让他. 不管朋友这么说家婆都不听, 就只说"大家住在一起, 你知道他的为人, 他的个性, 不要跟他计较, 凡事都要让他." 这是什么歪理? 就因为他是长辈, 朋友就该默默的忍吗? 那朋友不是太委屈了吗?

是不是不管长辈做错什么事或着无理趣闹, 身为晚辈的我们就必须让步, 纵容他们, 甚至让他们变本加厉呢? 这到底是对他们好还是害他们呢?

不能接受! 也接受不了! 是不是每位女生一旦做了人家的媳妇就必须默默的承受委屈? 天理何在啊? 容忍不是应该有个限度吗? 容忍和纵容只是一线之差不是吗? 过度容忍不就变成纵容吗?